We will be hosting two upcoming Open House events for the Atrium. Please pass these dates on to new families who may be interested in having their children attend Atrium next year.
Sunday, March 24th at 2pm and Thursday, April 18th at 7pm For more information, please call Theresa Bruton at 540-882-3047
The Stanmeyer family has so graciously hosted The Joyful Child Atrium for its first two years. They have spent toil and treasure to provide us with a beautiful space and environment, and we thank them for helping The Joyful Child Atrium to get started, thrive, and grow. And grown it has! In order to accommodate the growth and to let the Stanmeyers have their private home life back, the atrium will be moving this summer. We do not have a final location yet, but we are hoping to land in Purcellville. As this process moves forward, we will keep you informed of the latest.
The level one children are deep into the Parables of the Kingdom of God. We've been having wonderful discussions about the Mustard Seed, the Pearl of Great Price, The Hidden Treasure, and now the Leaven. Through these discussions, your children have understood the Kingdom of God to be very beautiful, something that grows, and that it's worth giving up everything to have it.
This week we will be moving into another season of preparation (Lent), and our prayer table cloth will change to purple. |