Parents, we are considering a site for the Atrium for next year that is in Purcellville. Renting commercial space is considerably more expensive than where we presently are, so we will be raising the fees for Atrium for next year. You can find all of the fee information on the registration page of the website. This is a brand new space, so we can have it built out to suit us beautifully.
Jen is considering offering a level II class for 9 to 12 year olds. Generally they would be in a level III class, but since all of them are still in their first year of Atrium, it would be appropriate to have them do the level II work. Having the 9 to 12's in a separate class from the 6 to 9's gives the older kids more investment in being there, and the conversations are different with the older ones. If this is something you'd be interested in, let us know. We will also need to add more children to the program in order to support the program, so if you know of people who may be interested, please give them the name of the website so they can get the information they need. If we go with this site, we will have two separate classrooms so level I and II can each have their own room. The level two classroom can be configured so that we have the possibility of renting it out to homeschoolers who are looking for classroom space. If this is something that interests you, please let us know. This is also a good time to let us know if you are planning to attend the Assistant's training. You can find that information under the "More" tab, and then click on "Events". At this point, before we swallow really hard as we sign the lease, we need to know what each family's plans are for next year in regards to Atrium. Please go to the "contact us" page, and in the comment section, write to us about your intentions. Include your children's names and ages that will be attending. If you are not sure, write that. We need to hear from everyone so we can get a clear number of who we are working with. Many children will be in full day school next year, so let us know if you'd prefer an after school class for them or a Saturday. In summary, go to the "Contact Us" page and include names and ages of children coming back, Assistant Training, if you are interested in renting classroom space, if you'd be interested in a level II class for 9 to 12's, if you know of potential new families, and how much you LOVE Atrium. Thanks!