We are busy planning for the upcoming Atrium year! Registration is underway, the Atrium is being prepared for the final week of hosting level I Catechist training, tables are being refinished, materials freshened up, and many Catechists are attending training in all three levels. What a heap of blessings! Please keep all of our Catechists in your prayers as we continue all of this good work.
I'd like to take a moment to reflect on the year we just finished. Honestly, I have nothing remarkable to say, which means that everything went down like a well-greased piece of machinery. We served over 200 children each week! Everyone executed their jobs so well that my role became mostly limited to leading my classes, which is where I want to be. Yes, I'm involved with the behind the scenes goings on, but in terms of the day-to-day classes, I think we have arrived, and that is beautiful. Our Catechists and Assistants do a marvelous job of helping one another, covering each other's classes when necessary, keeping the Atria clean and tidy for the next class, making sure the children get matched up with the right parents after class, and most importantly...offering the lessons to the children in such a way that the Holy Spirit is truly present to them. It is a joy and an honor to be able to sit at the center of all of this and see the Lord working in both the children and the adults. May God be praised! Theresa Bruton